This list of common Spanish real estate terms with their English translations will help familiarize you with words you’ll see in many real estate listings. Note: If all these words appear only in English this is because your browser is auto translating them. The fix for this is when the page loads to click on “Keep the Original” (Google Chrome). This will then not auto translate and you should have Spanish words on the left.
Abogado | Lawyer |
Agente | Agent |
Aguinaldo | Christmas Bonus due December 20 |
Aljíbe | In-ground water storage tank |
Apéndice | Addendum |
Avaluo | Assessment |
Balcón | Balcony |
Beneficiario | Beneficiary |
Biences Raíces | Real Estate |
Bodega | Storage unit |
Bóveda | Arched brick ceiling |
Cantera | Unpolished quarry tile |
Casa | House |
Casita | Detached small guest house |
Chimenea | Chimney |
Cochera | Carport |
CFE (Comisión Federal de Electricidad) | Electrical Utility Company |
Colonos | Homeowner Association fees |
Contrato | Contract |
Corredor | Broker |
Costos de cierre | Closing costs |
Criada | Maid |
Cupola | Domed ventilation |
Cubierta | Deck |
Cuenta | Bill or Invoice |
CURP (Clave Única del Registro de Población) | Social Security Number or S.I.N. |
Deslinde | Survey |
Drenaje | Sewer |
Edificio | Building |
Efectivo | Cash |
Ejido | Common land |
Escritura | Deed |
Fideicomiso | Trust |
Finiquito | Severance pay |
Fosa | Septic tank |
Fraccionamiento | Subdivision |
Hacienda | Estate or large house |
Hipoteca | Mortgage |
Inspección de vivienda | Home inspection |
Jardinero | Gardener |
Lote | Lot |
Mañana | Tomorrow |
Mirador | Rooftop viewing area |
Muebles | Furniture |
Notario Público | Public Notary |
Peso | Mexican currency |
Poder | Power of Attorney |
Pozo | Well |
Predial | Property tax |
Propiedad | Property |
Restricciones | Zoning |
RFC (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes) | Individual tax number |
Rústico | Rustic |
Seguro | Insurance |
Servidumbre | Easement |
Se Vende | For Sale |
SIMAPA (Sistema Municipal de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado) | Water Utility Company |
Sold | Vendido |
Telmex | Telephone/Internet Utility Company |
Terraza | Terrace |
Tinaco | Rooftop water storage tank |
Transferencia Bancaria | Wire Transfer |
Visa Temporal | Temporary Mexican visa |
Visa Turista | Tourist Mexican visa |
Visa Permanente | Permanent Mexican visa |