Looking for a home

Demand for housing in Nottingham is very high. If you’re in housing need, we want to help you find a home that’s most suitable for you.

Depending on your circumstances, some housing options will be more suitable to you than others. For example, we currently have 9,000 people on the Housing Register waiting for a social home. This means that, depending on your circumstances, you could be waiting a long time before you can get a home and there may be other housing options that would be more suitable.

Find out if you're eligible to join the Housing Register

Before you can apply to join Nottingham’s Housing Register you will need to answer a small number of questions to see if you can.

Depending on the answers you give, if you are eligible, you will then be asked to complete some mandatory pre-tenancy training. Once this has been done, you will get a reference number that will allow you to complete an online application.

All of these three stages are done through Housing Online, which can be accessed by clicking the link at the top of the page or by clicking here.

Before you can answer the eligibility questions, you will need to create a Housing Online account – and you will need to have an email address for you to be able to do that.

Information about how to create a Housing Online account and how to create an email account, if you don’t already have one, can be found on the Housing Online home-page along with some downloadable guides to help you.

We've produced a step-by-step guide to assist you with registration which you can read on this page: Nottingham HomeLink Registration Guide .

If you're not eligible to join the Housing Register you'll be given advice and help on other housing options that are available. For example mutual exchanges , private rental or options if you're homeless .

What happens if you're accepted to join the Housing Register?

Once you have answered the eligibility questions, completed the pre-tenancy training, submitted your housing application form and it has been successful you’ll be given a HomeLink reference number and put in a housing band.

The band awarded will reflect your priority and also the type of homes that you're eligible to place bids for. This band award will be based on your current housing circumstances and need.

We’ll explain what your banding means and how you can bid on properties securely through Housing Online when we write to you to let you know your application has been successful.

The applicant with the highest priority who has bid in your band will be offered the home first. When looking at the advert, you will only see homes that you're eligible to bid for.

If, when logging into the weekly advert, you do not see any homes, it's because there are no homes available that meet your housing need. We will only contact you if you have been successful, so if you do not hear from us please continue to place bids.

Already on the Housing Register?

If you are already on the Housing Register you don’t need to complete the eligibility questions and the pre-tenancy training.

You can look for a home through Housing Online by clicking here . You will need to have your registered email address and password to sign-in.

Independent Living

If you're over 60 (or over 55 and on certain benefits) and your home is getting to be too much to look after or you just fancy a change of scene, you could consider a move to independent living. Find out more here.

Private rented options

Demand for social housing is very high. With more than 9,000 households on the Housing Register waiting for a home, depending on your circumstances, and if you are eligible, you could be waiting a long time.

For some people, it might be better to consider private renting as an alternative option.

Nottingham Private Rented Assistance Scheme (NPRAS)

NPRAS match landlords to local homeless families in need of good quality homes in Nottingham. They can also provide help and advice if you are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Visit the NPRAS website to find out more.

To look for other private rented options, visit:

Mutual Exchanges

A mutual exchange is where you swap your house with another tenant. To find out more, go to our mutual exchange page.